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applest man

A member registered Jan 29, 2021

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also i feel i should clarify i have only reached 2nd boss never beat so most of the time next boss is mega plum

it causes my (very bad) laptop to over heat and losing chargers feels a lot worse than it is because i feel like i have to replenish it or else so while waiting for (and during the) next boss fight i prioritize defending that lane causing me to lose more chargers and gets more frustrated . so basically it's more my laptop and mind than the game and this has been a waste of the time of any one who actually reads this.

and i guess my self too but i also got to type a large wall so not much loss on my side only on any readers side

music slaps game is fun thank you for making this 

VERSION 0.1.0/0.10 


woopwoop got it sepd run tim

title is all

(1 edit)

 i stole gun opened shop and died. am sad